Chiropractic Care for SI Joints in Olympia WA

Sacroiliac joints are located at the place where the sacrum (just above your tailbone) and ilium (one of the three bones making up your hip bones) meet. These joints help gather the weight of the body and distribute it across the pelvis, acting as the shock absorber, reducing the pressure on the spine.
Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain or Sacroiliitis is caused by dysfunction in the SI joint.
This condition can feel like a sharp stabbing pain radiating from the hips and pelvis to up the back and down the thighs, or a numb and tingly feeling. Our chiropractic clinic in Olympia WA can help you find relief from this condition.
There could be a variety of reasons for the SI joint dysfunction in Olympia WA:
- Walking improperly: improper or abnormal walking patterns can cause damage to the SI joints and correcting them can resolve the pain.
- Pregnancy: Relaxin released during pregnancy to widen the pelvis and accommodate birth, makes the SI joints less stable. Less stable joints paired with pregnancy weight gain and baby's weight can lead to SI pain.
- Injury: brunt force from traumatic injury can damage the SI joints.
- Gout: When uric acid levels are too high and this affects all and any joints(can be SI joints).
- Arthritis: Osteoarthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis can affect the SI joints due to wear down of cartilage and inflammation of the joints, respectively.
SI pain can usually be managed with regular self-care, at-home exercises, proper nutrition, etc. If it still comes around, then the cause might be chronic, but not always.
You could have medications, relaxants, steroids, injections, inhibitors, radiofrequency ablation, etc. In order to get rid of the pain. But these are only temporary, addictive, and can't be taken by some people due to different reasons like allergies, health reasons, age, occupation, etc.
Then comes surgery, This is usually the last resort wherein small plates and screws are used in order to hold the SI bones together holding them while over time they can fuse and grow together.
This, while great, is very expensive, time-consuming with its recovery period, can't be done for people of certain ages and health conditions, and (while rare) can cause infections.
Chiropractic treatments on the other hand are effective, non-addictive, less expensive, take very little time, suitable for all ages and most health conditions, don't have any side effects, and non-invasive.
Chiropractic care/ treatment is a non-invasive treatment where the chiropractors apply different pressures in different areas of the body in different directions(if need be) in order to relieve pain, help the body heal faster, and optimized body health and functioning.
For SI joint pain, they could use:-
Traditional chiropractic adjustment(spinal manipulation): Uses high velocity, high amplitude thrusting techniques.
Less Force exerting adjustment(spinal mobilization): Uses low velocity, low amplitude thrusting techniques.
Adjunctive therapies: These are usually just in order to manage the pain and ease inflammation more than anything else. Can use heat/ ice therapy, ultrasound, Electric currents, etc.
Chiropractic methods increase blood circulation, increase immunity, help release healing hormones and chemicals by the body, and help relieve pain.
The overall effect of chiropractic methods of healing is improved bodily motion and functioning, optimized body healing, and overall welfare.
Book an appointment with your nearest licensed Olympia WA chiropractor now and start your journey towards a pain-free life.
Happy healing!
*The office is closed every day from
12:00pm - 2:00pm for lunch.
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Evergreen Family
1800 Cooper Point Rd SW
Building 24A
Olympia, WA 98502
P: (360) 943-7360
F: (360) 754-7022